How to Create Manage Connect to EC2 Instance

How to Create Manage Connect to EC2 Instance

Creating an EC2 Instance:

  1. Sign in to AWS Console: Log in to your AWS Management Console using your credentials.

  2. Navigate to EC2 Dashboard: Go to the EC2 dashboard by selecting "EC2" from the list of services.

  3. Launch Instance: Click on the "Launch Instance" button to start the instance creation process.

  4. Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI):

    • Select an AMI that suits your needs, such as Amazon Linux, Ubuntu, Windows, etc.

  5. Choose Instance Type:

    • Select the instance type based on your requirements, such as t2.micro for basic usage or higher-spec instances for more demanding applications.
  6. Configure Instance Details:

    • Specify details such as the number of instances, network settings, and storage options.
  7. Add Storage:

    • Customize the storage settings for your instance, including the size and type of the root volume.
  8. Review and Launch:

Review your instance configuration and launch your new EC2 instance.

Managing EC2 Instances:

  1. View Instances: Go to the EC2 dashboard to view all your instances and their statuses.

  2. Start/Stop Instances: You can start, stop, reboot, or terminate instances as needed.

  3. Modify Instance Settings: Modify instance settings such as instance type, security groups, and storage configurations.

  4. Create AMIs: Create custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) based on your instance configurations for future use.

Connecting to EC2 Instance:

  1. Download Key Pair: After launching your instance, download the key pair file (.pem for Linux instances) provided by AWS.

  2. Secure Your Key Pair: Store your private key securely on your local machine. Do not share it with anyone else.

  3. Use SSH (Linux) or RDP (Windows):

    • For Linux instances, use SSH with your private key to connect to your instance.

    • For Windows instances, use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) with your private key.

  4. Enter Instance Public IP or DNS: Use the public IP address or DNS name of your instance along with your private key to establish a remote connection.